Join us in our mission

to alleviate poverty by empowering individuals and communities with the tools they need for a brighter, more prosperous future.

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Shara Foundation

At Shara Foundation, we are on a mission to create lasting change by addressing the root causes of poverty. Through a holistic approach that encompasses education, health, and youth empowerment, we strive to uplift communities and pave the way for a brighter future. Our initial focus is on the vibrant youth of Grenada. By addressing the specific needs of this community, we believe we can make a profound impact on the larger narrative of poverty alleviation. Through tailored initiatives and collaborative efforts, we aspire to create positive, sustainable change.

Grenadian school children

Our Focus

Our initial focus is on the vibrant youth of Grenada. By addressing the specific needs of this community, we believe we can make a profound impact on the larger narrative of poverty alleviation. Through tailored initiatives and collaborative efforts, we aspire to create positive, sustainable change.

Alleviating poverty is not just a goal. It is our commitment. We focus on three key pillars:


We believe education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. By providing access to quality education, we empower youth to build a foundation for a better future.


Good health is a fundamental human right. We work towards ensuring that youth have access to essential healthcare services, promoting overall well-being and resilience.

Youth Empowerment

Through mentorship, skill development, and leadership programs, we empower young minds to overcome challenges and become agents of positive change.

Our Guiding Ethos

Our Mission

Our mission is to guide the trajectory and amplify the potential of underprivileged youth in Grenada. We are committed to nurturing the dreams and aspirations of these young individuals by providing them with comprehensive support, leadership-based resilience training, access to vocational opportunities, and other resources as well.

Our Vision

We envision communities free from the chains of poverty, where education is a catalyst for change, health is a fundamental right, and youth are empowered to shape their destinies. A world where every youth, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to thrive.

Our Approach

Our approach is comprehensive and community driven. We collaborate with local partners, engage community leaders, and leverage the strengths of each community to tailor our programs effectively. We believe in sustainable solutions that create a lasting impact.

hand holding a puzzle with integrity written on it

Our Values

The Shara Foundation is guided by a set of dual core values that define its identity and shape the approach to the important work it is committed to in Grenada. These core values serve as the foundation for the organization's actions and interactions, creating a framework that reflects its principles and commitment to positive impact. Our core values are:

Respect & Compassion
  • Respect forms the cornerstone of the foundation's interactions with individuals and communities. It acknowledges the inherent worth and dignity of each person.
  • Compassion guides the foundation's approach, recognizing the importance of empathy and understanding in addressing the needs of those it serves.
Trust & Integrity
  • Trust is a vital element in building meaningful relationships, and the foundation places a high value on establishing and maintaining trust with the community, partners, and stakeholders.
  • Integrity is the bedrock of the foundation's actions, ensuring that it operates ethically, transparently, and in alignment with its mission and values.
Teamwork & Transparency
  • Teamwork emphasizes the collaborative efforts within the foundation, fostering an environment where diverse skills and perspectives come together to achieve common goals.
  • Transparency is key in the foundation's operations, promoting open communication and accountability to stakeholders, partners, and the community.
Grit & Accountability
  • Grit reflects the foundation's determination and resilience in facing challenges, demonstrating a commitment to overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of its mission.
  • Accountability is a guiding principle, holding the foundation responsible for its actions and decisions, ensuring it remains true to its purpose and vision.